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UCR in the News

Amid bird flu spread, experts reveal if it's safe to drink milk: 'Indirect concern'

Fox News |
UCR biomedical sciences professor Scott Pegan shares his thoughts on the presence of the bird flu virus in pasteurized milk and whether drinking it poses any threat.
UCR in the News

UC Riverside researchers develop potential universal vaccine strategy

KPBS San Diego |
Instead of targeting a unique feature of a virus — usually a protein — virologist Rong Hai’s approach targets genetic material common to all viruses.
UCR in the News

UC Riverside event welcomes nearly 3,000 future students

The Press Enterprise |
Photos and stories from Highlander Day.
UCR in the News

Venus Exploration Remains Key To Understanding Exo-Earths, Says Paper

Forbes |
UCR astrophysicist Stephen Kane was the lead author of a new paper that argues Venus is crucial to understanding earth-mass and earth-like planets circling other stars.
UCR in the News

Tall flowers, dead shrubs, ephemeral lake: Death Valley has become a picture of climate whiplash

NBC News |
Lynn Sweet, a UCR research ecologist, talks about the resilience of desert plant and animal species, and how they might survive increasingly severe bouts of drought and storms. 
UCR in the News

A one-shot vaccine for COVID, flu and future viruses? Researchers say it's coming

Salon |
UCR microbiology professor Shou-wei Ding and virologist Rong Hai have pioneered a live, attenuated vaccine strategy that can target the part of a genome that all virus variants share.
UCR in the News

Dangerous bacterial disease reported in multiple dogs in Southern California

UCR parasitologist Adler Dillman is featured in this video report about the risk of salmon poisoning disease, which can be deadly for dogs.
UCR in the News

Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders in the US more likely to believe in climate change: AP-NORC poll

Associated Press |
Karthick Ramakrishnan, a public policy professor at UCR, and founder of AAPI Data, said the richness and detail of the data shows environmental groups need to consider reaching out to AAPI populations.